🔔12 Things You May Think Are Illegal – But Actually Aren’t

🔔12 Things You May Think Are Illegal – But Actually Aren’t

Between federal laws, state regulations, and local mandates, American citizens have a lot to remember if they want to follow the rules. While these laws are designed initially to keep the public safe, they can often be outdated and seem a little silly. Still, we obediently follow them in the name of good citizenship (and to avoid hefty fines or arrests).

Because there are so many rules to consider, the average person usually doesn’t bother to question a commonly known regulation. But what if we’ve been blindly following these “laws” all along, not realizing that they were just rumors or assumptions?

Is it really illegal to kill a praying mantis? Will counting cards at a casino put a person in jail? What happens when a person removes a mattress tag? This list features things that you may think are illegal but actually aren’t. Vote up the activities you are most surprised to find entirely lawful.

    •  In Some European Countries, Escaping From Prison Is Not A Crime


      In Some European Countries, Escaping From Prison Is Not A Crime

      In America, escaping prison can add five years to a convict’s sentence. While it may seem logical to believe that those imprisoned would be punished for leaving their confines, it’s not a crime in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, or the Netherlands.

      In Scandanavian countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Finland, even criminals with murder charges enter the “open” prison system, where there are no bars or narrow cells to contain them from the outside world. Prisoners live in rooms that resemble college dorms, complete with their own bathrooms, showers, and flat screen TVs. The law also allows Scandanavian inmates to leave facilities during the day to attend work and visit family.

      Though prisoners in Belgium and Germany don’t enjoy the luxury of the open prison system, there are no laws that punish inmates who escape prison grounds. In these countries, prisoners are only punished further if they commit a crime – like assault or property damage – while executing their escape plans.

      While prisoners who escape in the Netherlands don’t acquire any extra incarceration time, any prisoner who is caught aiding the escapees can experience further sentencing of up to four years.

    • Women Can Go Topless In 6 US States


      Women Can Go Topless In 6 US States

      After Brit Hoagland and Samantha Six successfully sued Ft. Collins, CO, for banning women from taking off their shirts in public, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the law – making it legal for women to go topless in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

      Participating in the #FreeTheNipple social media movement, the women argued that everyone should be able to take their shirts off when they are outside on a hot day, no matter their gender. Claiming that requiring women to wear shirts in public was an infringement of equal rights, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in their favor.

      According to Hoagland:

      …No matter how you look, you should have the same freedom [as] the person next to you. And it’s also about equality. Addressing small parts of inequality can make a big difference in how people are treated on a day to day basis, and I thought free the nipple was just one small step closer to how it should be.

    • It Is Legal To Make A Left Turn At A Red Light In Some States, But Not All


      It Is Legal To Make A Left Turn At A Red Light In Some States, But Not All

      Taking a right turn at a red light when the intersection is free of oncoming traffic can save drivers a lot of time, allowing them to get to their destinations a little more quickly. While this practice is common knowledge throughout the US, some might not know that turning left at a red light is also sometimes legal.

      California, Alaska, Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, and Washington state laws allow left turns at red lights when drivers are transitioning from one one-way street to another. The only exception to the rule in these states is when signs specifically prohibit drivers from making the turn. However, cross-country travelers should note that in some states, including Connecticut, Washington, DC, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maine, New Hampshire, and North Carolina, turning left at a red light is never legal.

      Most drivers in Missouri also fall under this law, except those passing through Kansas City. It’s also illegal in South Dakota unless local laws post an exception. In New York City, drivers must stop and wait at every red light, regardless of whether they turn right or left.

    • Counting Cards Is Not Prohibited By Any State Or Federal Laws


      Counting Cards Is Not Prohibited By Any State Or Federal Laws

      Those who have the intellectual capacity to win at the casino by counting cards effectively are not punishable by state or federal laws. Casinos have the right to ban card counters from playing at their tables ever again, but these cheaters don’t have to fear serving any time or paying extra fines.

      Still, there are other ways that card counters may be arrested at the casino. Because casinos are private property and most have high-tech security systems, security has the right to require those caught counting cards to leave – and ban them from returning to the property. If card counters return after being banned from an establishment, the police can arrest them and press charges.

      Other possible offenses include using electronic machines to count cards, assaulting casino employees, and disorderly conduct.

    • No State Has A Law Against Driving Barefoot, But None Recommends It


      No State Has A Law Against Driving Barefoot, But None Recommends It

      Many vehicle owners believe that driving barefoot is illegal, while others argue that there’s no law against it. To set the record straight, a man named Jason Heimbaugh wrote to every state in the 1990s, asking for their stance on the subject. The results were unanimous – driving sans shoes is legal in all 50 states.

      Still, just because it’s legal doesn’t necessarily make barefoot driving a good idea. Shoes provide uniform pressure and force between the driver’s foot and the car pedals, allowing for more control when speeding up and stopping a vehicle. A bare foot can also easily slip off the pedal, creating a potentially dire situation in a matter of seconds.

    •  Yes, You Are Free To Flip Off The Cops


      Yes, You Are Free To Flip Off The Cops

      It might not be the wisest decision to make, but the First Amendment allows frustrated Americans to raise their middle fingers and cuss out a cop. Still, they should be careful with their word selection, as “fighting words” and threats are not protected under the free speech law.

      If offenders use foul language while giving a cop the bird, the officer could consider it disorderly conduct or a criminal threat. In that case, they will most likely be ticketed or arrested. Possible offenders should also keep local laws in mind. Some cities, like Fairfax, VA, forbid swearing in public.

      Lawyers at Suhre and Associates, LLC, warn that while it’s a police officer’s job to keep their communities safe, a routine stop can quickly become an unpleasant confrontation. Officers who are annoyed or feel threatened know how to use the law to deliver maximum fines and sentences.

    • Police Can Absolutely Lie To You


      Police Can Absolutely Lie To You

      Though law enforcement expects citizens to tell the truth when confronted or questioned, police officers are allowed to lie – and often do. Undercover officers do not have to reveal their occupation and can lie about their ability to obtain a search warrant. Police are also allowed to insinuate that a conversation is “off the record,” and then use the information provided as evidence later.

      Deception is a common interrogation tactic in almost every state, and officers sometimes rely on fibs to encourage a suspect to confess. Examples of typical lies during suspect questioning include warning suspects that they have recovered their DNA at the crime scene, giving them water to obtain their DNA from the drinking glass, cautioning that they have eyewitnesses or are recording the interrogation, and, ironically, accusing them of failing polygraph tests.

    •  Tax Avoidance Is Legal, Tax Evasion Is Not


      Tax Avoidance Is Legal, Tax Evasion Is Not

      It’s illegal for US taxpayers to refuse to pay or purposely underpay the taxes they owe each year; this is tax evasion. However, tax avoidance is entirely legal. IRS regulations allow citizens to claim deductions for numerous reasons, allowing them to pay less on their yearly statements.

      Popular deductions include child tax credits, student loan interest deductions, charitable donations, mortgage interest deductions, saver’s credit, and even gambling loss deductions. Some occupations, like educators and those who are self-employed, also qualify for further tax avoidance adjustments.

      As long as taxpayers can prove their claims, they can benefit from a much lower annual IRS bill.

    • It Is Not Illegal To Kill A Praying Mantis (But Please Don't)


      It Is Not Illegal To Kill A Praying Mantis (But Please Don’t)

      Someone started a rumor that the praying mantis was endangered in the 1950s, and it somehow stuck in the public mind for decades. Though some species in other countries are on the endangered list, all the species in North America thrive. Therefore, no state or federal laws prohibit a person from killing a praying mantis.

      However, anyone who gardens or isn’t overly fond of pests should consider keeping the praying mantis alive because they feast on the pests that kill crops. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem, managing the pesky bug population while allowing farmers to use fewer pesticides on vegetables and fruits.

    • You Have Full Rights To Discuss Your Wages With Your Co-Workers


      You Have Full Rights To Discuss Your Wages With Your Co-Workers

      To the possible dismay of employers, federal law allows employees to discuss their wages with co-workers, sometimes even while at work. Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act applies this law to all private-entity employees, and President Barack Obama extended it to federal employees with an executive order in 2014.

      Discussion can occur face-to-face and through written messages, including social media and emails. Conversations regarding wages can happen anywhere, including the place of employment. The only caveat is that these discussions can only happen on-site in work environments where employees allow their workers to have discussions unrelated to their jobs. Once a group leaves the office, they are free to discuss their wages at any time.

      Employees are also lawfully allowed to form unions to demand higher pay, participate in an outside union to gain support, and gather collective wage concerns to present to employers.

      Additionally, it’s illegal for employers to discriminate against employees who discuss wages by threatening or questioning them, or monitoring their conversations.

  • Private Businesses Have The Right To Deny Service To More People Than You Might Think


    Private Businesses Have The Right To Deny Service To More People Than You Might Think

    Federal laws state that businesses can not refuse customers based on religious beliefs, sex, race, disability, veteran status, national origin, or citizenship status. Though some states, like New York and California, have added sexual orientation to this list, other states do not protect the LGBTQ+ community with anti-discrimination laws. Otherwise, private businesses can deny service for any reason they see fit.

    Because discrimination is hard to prove in court, owners can cite reasons like dress codes, guest lists, and disorderly conduct as reasons for asking a potential patron to leave. Businesses can also turn away potential customers for health and safety concerns, like not wearing shoes, a shirt, or even a mask.

    First amendment attorney David Reymann explained:

    You can set the terms of what happens in your business and there’s no requirement that you allow people to come into your business, for instance with a gun or without a face mask or something like that… If you want to set those terms, it’s your business, you’re a private business, you’re entitled to do that.

  • It's Perfectly Fine To Remove A Mattress Tag


    It’s Perfectly Fine To Remove A Mattress Tag

    New bed purchasers may be surprised to learn that the mattress tag warning isn’t meant for the customer – it’s for the manufacturers. Before the 20th century, mattresses were often made with many different materials. Manufacturers could claim that their products were made with high-quality cotton, even if they weren’t. To ensure that customers were getting the product they were paying for, the government began requiring mattress producers to list the ingredients of their beds.

    This law didn’t go over very well with sellers who had inferior products, and they would often rip the tags off before placing the beds in their showrooms for purchase. That way, they were technically following the ingredient law and could still sell their sub-par beds at higher prices.

    Once government officials realized the loophole, they added to the regulation by prohibiting a tag’s removal. The new law protected customers from being misled, but it caused considerable confusion among the general public. In the 1990s, the government reworded the label warning to read: “Do Not Remove by Penalty of Law Except by the Consumer.”

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